Training & Tournament Schedule Key

Highlighted RED the training venue or timing details are different from normal.

Highlighted GREEN dates are games/tournaments.

If in ITALICS dates are during the school holidays.

Please understand that ALL training is compulsory

To remain eligible for the Representative Programme, TCBA requires players to attend a minimum of 80% of training.

If unable to attend a training a txt must be sent to both the Head Coach and the Team Manager and a reason given for why unable to attend. The Team Manager will put into the computer system (roll) as to reason absent. The roll is taken at EVERY training. 

If have prior knowledge of unavailability for a training or an event please let Head Coach and Manager know as soon as possible.

If injured, players are expected to attend to observe training.

Depending on the type of sickness, if at all possible, players are expected to observe training.

Please remember that it is an HONOUR, not an entitlement to play representative basketball.  
