Glennis Matenga was also another who gave such a lot to basketball. She went from being a volunteer to Club Rep, board member, junior development officer, rep team fundraising, manager, ran venues and did draws with Hilda and Basil Marsh. She also became a badge holder referee, scorebenched and coach for Junior Girls rep team for the inaugural junior secondary schools tourament in Tauranga. Involved in the formation of Little League in 1994. Such a worthy Life Member.

Hilda Ross played a huge part in committees, President in 1986 - maybe for longer, formed the Takitimu Club which set up teams, tournaments under the Takitimu name. Her organisational skills were incredible as she was also involved in netball. Hilda was also involved in starting Masters Basketball with Dianne and Russell Black in the mid 1970's which had a huge following. You had to be 35 to be able to join Masters, played on Sunday nights. We could write a whole chapter on this grade as at one time there were up to 16 teams.

Crosbie R Randle was the first President of Basketball when it was first recorded in Tauranga in 1938.
It was American Basketball Association then and became Tauranga Indoor Basketball Association in 1945 - he was President until into the 1950's

Reg Towers played and refereed from 1940's
- 1960's and was a selector and coach of Tauranga men. He became President in 1954 - there again not sure for how long.. He was also a NZIBA Official Referee and officiated at National and International level. Attached is him in his NZIBA referee top.
Michael Foster was made a Life Member - sometime in late 1950's, early 1960's.
Michael was a past President of Tauranga Indoor Basketball Association in 1961-1962, possibly longer. He was a National Referee from the 1950's - mid 1966's.
From Jill Hill "I do remember Michael Foster and his committee wanted to buy the Memorial Hall in the mid 1960's but due to opposition it never came to be. There again as we progress through the years with the basketball history I'm sure more will come to light about Michael and several of the other Life Members".

Jean Prentice became a Life Member in the mid 1960's. Jean served on committees, played club and rep for Tauranga, etc